The Deep Reservoir of Ok-Ness

Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Welcome to the Wonderful World of Me!

Hey Y'all.

So I've finally settled down and started my blog. It wasn't easy, either. I kept feeling like this first posting had to be great. I mean, I could post any dumb thought later, but this first one felt like it should be great, that it should really set a tone of both mature philosophizing and clever, insightful humor. A message that entertains, yet also makes people think as they laugh at and admire my fabulous wit and insight. So, here goes....

Poopies come from people's buttholes.

....Wait a minute.....God dammit.....lemme try this again....

Hi! Welcome to my blog. I plan to post all about my amazingly-awesome life here in Kalamazoo (yes, there is a real place called Kalamazoo), interesting experiences, random thoughts, maybe even some pseudo-psychotic rantings. Hopefully you all love reading this and hearing about my Kalamalife. If not, well, that's okay, I still like you....just not as much....

So, bookmark this page, and enjoy!


  • At 9:44 PM, Blogger lundy911 said…

    Um, I thought I was the only person able to make poop jokes...


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