The Deep Reservoir of Ok-Ness

Sunday, July 09, 2006

The Cathartic Effect of Disconnectively Communicating Distasteful Ego States

I just felt like making an intelligent-sounding subject line to this post. Otherwise, I could have titled it:

"Blogging Helps Me Feel Better When I'm Upset"

I think that blogging helping me feel better is both great and ironic. By writing out what is on my mind, I am able to at least somewhat move past it by venting. The ironic part, though, is that I feel better by venting to no one about having no one to vent to. It's what we brilliant-assed psychologists (nor non-brilliant-assed non-psychologists who learned the words) call an "imagined" or "fantasized other." This means I create a target person or target people to receive the communication. This imagined group is made up of individuals I know who I imagine reading what I write and hearing what I am saying. I can feel that I am telling people something, and even without them reading it, I feel better for having communicated how I feel. Plus, something about the Internet fosters an idea of freedom to be more expressive write whatever I want, despite the fantasized others. It's all the benefits of private journaling with the added bonus of people reading it.

So anyhow, I feel better about some of the stressors in my life....not fantastic all the time, but better.....which is really great.


  • At 8:45 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Super Corey,
    You need a greater city. One full of greater people who recognize your greaterness. Go seek out ye apartment and get yourself a new city. If that one thus not rock then surely the one afterwards will kick donkey.


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