The Deep Reservoir of Ok-Ness

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

With All The Excitement, I Almost Forgot....

Since around January or February, I have been conscienciously trying to find a position for next year. I have been hopeful, anxious, pessimistic, excited, and all sorts of other feelings from that "Have a Day..." poster. Then, when I finally got a post-doctoral fellowship that seems like it'll be a wonderful place to be, I got very happy. Following this, I became somewhat forlorned to have to leave Kalamazoo and some of the people I have met here. At the same time, I thought it was awesome that my new job is giving me a $4,700 moving budget. Throughout all of this, I have been focused on what I might do next year.

Except that, with all the excitement, I almost forgot to move.

Last week I realized just how soon I would be relocating. I am moving sometime during the week of August 7th, which is only a few weeks away! I just told my apartment manager yesterday, and I began searching for new apartments last weekend. I am going to drive to Dayton next week to look at places and, hopefully, find one that I want to take for the year (which probably won't be difficult - they all look good online, and the 4 I looked at when I moved out here were all pretty nice!).

But yeah, I almost forgot to move. Sometimes it hurts to be so stupid....maybe that's why I have a headache right now...... :)


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