The Deep Reservoir of Ok-Ness

Monday, February 13, 2006

The Power of the Blog

I've heard people wonder (in general, not specifically about mine), "What's the point of a blog? Who cares about someone's random thoughts, and why do people feel the need to share these thoughts with the Internet community?" Whereas I had previously been one of the thousands (tens of thousands?) of people who created and updated a blog for more ego-centric reasons, I am no longer.

My blog now serves a purpose!

I noticed that one of the visitors to this blog is from an "Unknown Country." Apparently, my blog has the power to discover new nations, previously-unknown to the world-at-large. Yes indeed, a new land, about which the global community had been previously-unaware! A whole new community of people who, I can only assume, have heretofore been "unknown" to the world due to lack of contact with people from other countries. An entirely self-contained, self-sustaining nation never encountered by anyone else the world over.

And, it seems, they have Internet access, too.

I am incredible.....


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