The Deep Reservoir of Ok-Ness

Saturday, March 18, 2006


I have been feeling down and somewhat anxious for the past couple of days, so I decided to go out with some friends last night. We spent some time at a bar for St. Patrick's Day, which was okay but nothing great.

Then we decided to go buy a 40 of Malt Liquor and watch R. Kelly's "Trapped in the Closet" on DVD. That was nice.



  • At 8:35 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    A bit o' de Irish Humor....

    Two Irishmen, Patrick Murphy and Shawn O'Brian grew up together and were lifelong friends. But alas, Patrick developed cancer, and was dying. While on his deathbed, Patrick called to his buddy, Shawn, "O'Brian, come 'ere. I 'ave a request for ye." Shawn walked to his friend's bedside and kneels.

    "Shawny ole boy, we've been friends all our lives, and now I'm leaving 'ere. I 'ave one last request fir ye to do."

    O'Brian burst into tears, "Anything Patrick, anything ye wish. It's done."

    "Well, under me bed is a box containing a bottle of the finest whiskey in all of Ireland. Bottled the year I was born it was. After I die, and they plant me in the ground, I want you to pour that fine whiskey over me grave so it might soak into me bones and I'll be able to enjoy it for all eternity."

    O'Brian was overcome by the beauty and in the true Irish spirit of his friend's request, he asked, "Aye, tis a fine thing you ask of me, and I will pour the whiskey. But, might I strain it through me kidneys first?"

  • At 8:43 PM, Blogger Kate said…

    Corey, hang in. If you don't get a postdoc or a job, there's got to be a Simpsons quiz/Taco Bell taste testing job out there somewhere just waiting for you. Aim high! ;)

    And, for a blog-related comment, your color scheme is soothing but I can't read the titles of your posts on my laptop screen unless I highlight them. Not that you need to fix that, just thought you might be fascinated to know.

    Riches and stability are on your horizon...


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