The Deep Reservoir of Ok-Ness

Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Keeping Current on the English Language

For anyone interested, I have recently learned two new phrases, both of which pertain to homosexuality. I try to stay current on new slang and phrases in my work. I share this to be educative. Please do not use them hurtfully. Here are the words I learned in the past week:

1) U-Haul Lesbians: I learned this one from a lesbian co-worker, actually. It comes from the joke "What do most lesbians bring on a first date?........ A U-Haul!" This is a pejorative term used more within the gay/lesbian community (although it is also used by non-gay/lesbian folks as well) to refer to lesbians who begin living together very soon (too soon?) after they start dating. I believe I have some ideas about the dynamics underlying this, but I am hesitant to state them without some sort of literature or research to support it, lest I erroneously contribute to the stereotype. (hmmm....maybe another research project for me!)

2) Brokeback: This refers to anything of questionable masculinity. For example, "Dude, your fanny-pack is so brokeback!" or (to someone who is emotionally sensitive) "Your attitude is really brokeback!" A co-worker of mine and I are tired of all the "brokeback" jokes and defamatory comments going around, so we decided to regard "that's brokeback" as a compliment, affirming our connection with the more aesthetic and comforting aspects of ourselves and our lives. Said differently, we have reclaimed the word "brokeback!"

Now then, don't you all feel smarter?