The Deep Reservoir of Ok-Ness

Thursday, September 07, 2006

Testing and My New Legos

I am getting ready to take my psychology license exam in the Spring. Not fun, but I have to do it to a) be competitive for jobs, b) keep a job once gotten (most jobs require licensure upon hire or within a certain time frame of starting), c) supervise psychology trainees, and d) work independently without a supervisor, including in private practice or group practice.

So, being the diligent me, I ordered my study materials to give myself time to prepare. In addition to books and online exams, the package included 12 audio cassettes to help me study.

Audio cassettes. Who in the bloody Hell makes audio cassettes anymore? CDs are becoming ancient over mp3s/iTunes, so cassettes are at least two steps behind.

And I don't know if I even own a tape PLAYER anymore. This leaves me with twelve plastic rectangles which could be easily stacked in a really short tower. So far, the only practical thing I have done with them is toss one to a coworker and say, "Hey, look, they sent me some cassettes." (when I did this, she screamed, btw...screamed like a woman catching a half-eaten potato!)

It is now incumbent upon me to do something with these tapes. I am thinking I could have them transferred into digital media (see "mp3s/iTunes," above), but I have no idea where I could take them to have this done. I really don't want to have to buy an adapter card for my computer to do it myself, as I would also have to purchase a tape player to connect to said adapter card, which would pretty much defeat the whole point of my rant.

Plus I have to take the damn test.....I suppose it's not as bad as it could be, tho. Like I imagine saying to my clients: It could be worse - I could be on fire, too.


  • At 9:54 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Hey Corey,
    I am sorry so being serious, but why not just buy a walkman with a tape player. It is a lot simplier and less expensive then transferring everything and you can listen to it on walks, at the gym, during quiet moments. Oooor you can send the tapes back and chide them for having the gall of sending you outdated materials and that you demand better and see what they do.
    -???? (may start with an "O" or maybe it is and "A")

  • At 5:16 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Library. The final resting place of technology.


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