The Deep Reservoir of Ok-Ness

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

More Doggie Weirdness

I was walking Melisma this evening after work, when some local children came over to play with her. This is not unusual, as people seem to love my dog, even if they fail to acknowledge the guy attached to the other end of her leash. They were petting and hugging and just basically giving her all sorts of loving when she, being very excited to be petted and hugged and just basically given all sorts of loving, peed a little bit on the sidewalk. Just a bit.

Then the children yelped and ran away to hide in a large nearby bush.

True story.....


  • At 9:56 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I won't tell Melisma that you shared this on your blog. I'll try to be REALLY boring the first time I meet her so as not to get her to the "I'm so happy I think I'll whiz" level of excitment. Should not be hard for me to do.


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