The Deep Reservoir of Ok-Ness

Wednesday, October 25, 2006

An Improvement in Activity

Last Sunday I helped my girlfriend move her mother's belongings out of her stepfather's house into a storage unit (mother left for Florida over a year ago and hasn't been back since). It was irritating, strenuous, and upsetting because her mother phoned it in for Karin to do it and did not contribute beyond that. I did not like it.

I visited Karin on Tuesday and helped her stay put. All I had to do was sit around and make sure that she did not start loading anything into a large truck. That was way easier. I liked it a lot more than Sunday.


  • At 9:26 PM, Blogger Brad said…

    I think I had a worse day than your Sunday this past July. Try to picture loading the majority of your father's possessions into a trailer and taking it to the dump. Then watching a large bulldozer bust it up while pushing it into a pit. No help from dad with this one since, well let's just say...he's away for a while. Not that I wanted to try and one up you, but reading this post stirred up a recent memory.
    (At least I did get reimbursed for the dump fee!)


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