The Deep Reservoir of Ok-Ness

Thursday, March 08, 2007

Pieces of Shit

Okay, three "pieces of shit," actually...

1) Me, for not updating my blog more often. I think some people have given up on my blog, which is too bad because I am back. Although I probably won't be updating daily, I do intend to spend more time writing about my thoughts and what has been going on.

2) On the sidewalk outside of my apartment. One of my neighbors has a large dog who, like many well-trained animals, poops outside. And, like many poorly-trained owners (I include myself in that group), he doesn't scoop the poop.

....on a side note, I myself don't pick up my dog's poop because, really, that would mean that my dog is master of me. And I don't even give my girlfriend that title....

Anyhow, back to pieces of shit, already in progress....

2 cont.) My neighbor does not pick up after his dog, which I cannot totally fault him for. However, whereas my dog poops in the grass near other dog droppings (so I don't feel all that badly about it), he allows his dog to leave humongous turds in the middle of my sidewalk. Daily. So it's like a friggin' obstacle course when I walk my dog in the mornings. As for those days when it has snowed, the poop just lies in wait underneath the snow and ice until the thaw comes. I haven't hit anything yet, though.

3) I was re-reading some of my postings, and one from the beginning of August included some website addresses, some real and some fake. Well, when I posted as being the website for Mapquest (which, for those of you who may recall, prevented me from finding Hell), I had assumed that it was a fake address. WRONG! It's not even a real address serving perverted fecalfiliacs (poopie-lovers)! No, if you click on the link, it takes you to a page with several links, the first of which is horribly for "Jewish Singles." Now, I could understand someone buying the domain name to advertise a product or just to be weird, but I think it is absolutely appalling that "Jewish Singles" is listed at the top of the site.

Now everyone go to least that website isn't offensive....